Automation Testing

Web-Based Camera Automation with Selenium Web Driver
Explore how Selenium WebDriver, a powerful open-source framework, enables automated control of web browsers. Learn how to navigate, impersonate users, and verify web applications using WebDriver.
Integrating JMeter into Your CI/CD Pipeline for Automated Load Testing
Maximize efficiency and minimize downtime by seamlessly integrating JMeter into CI/CD pipelines for automated load testing. Visit us to know the best practices and benefits of integration.
Test Automation Showdown: Appium vs Selenium
Both Appium and Selenium are strong frameworks for test automation, each with advantages and disadvantages of their own. Learn more in our test automation showdown.
Test Automation for Web Applications: A Comprehensive Guide
Implementing test automation for web applications is not just an option but a necessity in today's dynamic development landscape. Its advantages, such as speed, efficiency, and extensive test coverage, make it an indispensable part of the testing process.
How Can You Automate Testing with Gitlab Pipelines?
Stay tuned to PixelQA Blog to explore juicy technical insights. Get a step-by-step guide, how-to technical articles, and informative technology updates. Connect with the expert software testing company to get your project built with experienced minds.
Automation Testing - Pros, Cons, Usage, and Best Practices
Our expert team will help you navigate the strengths and weaknesses of automated testing, ensuring you achieve faster, more reliable software releases. Drive better software quality and customer satisfaction by leveraging automation testing with PixelQA. Contact us today!